Uzbekistan Rugby

Uzbekistan Rugby

Asia Rugby chief Qais Al Dhalai backs Agustin Pichot as the man to reform rugby’s ‘unfair’ global structure

The governing body for the sport on the continent have backed the Argentine’s challenge to replace Bill Beaumont as the next chairman of World Rugby Asia Rugby president Qais Al Dhalai has explained why he believes Agustin Pichot is the man to reform rugby’s global governance. Getty Images Asia Rugby’s …

Asia Rugby throws the weight of its continent behind Challenger Agustín Pichot to become the next Chairman of World Rugby.

Asia Rugby throws the weight of its continent behind Challenger Agustín Pichot to become the next Chairman of World Rugby [25th April 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates,] Asia Rugby President, Mr. Qais Abdulla Al Dhalai announced that today 25th April 2020 at the close of voting to determine Asia’s vote …

World Rugby confirms election nominations

Umumjahon regbi saylovlarga nomzodlarni tasdiqlaydi World Rugby has confirmed the nominations for the positions of Chairman and Vice-Chairman, which will be determined at the annual meeting of Council on 12 May, 2020. In accordance with the World Rugby Bye-Laws, member unions were invited to submit nominations for the position of …